The window WCHS adopted is the right panel in the photo. A story broadcast over WVTD can be viewed here. You may view the articles by clicking here and here. The result was two extensive articles in the News and Observer, one on the front page. Karl Larson and his committee did a superb job of publicizing an Open House held in February at the church to highlight the adopt-a-window campaign. Paul AME Church in downtown Raleigh and led a campaign to help the church raise additional funds to restore more of the 72 windows. WCHS donated $4,000 to adopt a window for restoration at St. 2017Ħ0th Anniversary Project: Adopt-a-Window Program for St. The marker is near the corner of East South and South Wilmington Streets on Shaw’s campus, adjacent to the Performing Arts complex, the location of the former Government House where Lafayette was entertained on March 2, 1825. Pomeroy Foundation, WCHS facilitated the placement of a historic marker commemorating Lafayette’s visit to Raleigh during his farewell tour. In collaboration with the Lafayette Trail, Shaw University, and the William G. The Lafayette Trail, Shaw University, and the William G. WCHS donated $1,000 to the much needed re-painting project for the Historic Hepzibah Baptist Church in Wendell.